MAS Framework Courses

The MAS framework connects individual modules (courses) by providing practice-oriented peacebuilding skills and academic knowledge that enhance participants’ learning outcomes.
The framework is made up of five components:

- Introductory course on peace and conflict theories, the international legal framework, institutional peacebuilding architecture and prevailing policies & debates (online)
- Academic writing course (online)
- Peacebuilding methodologies training (on-site)
- Summer school (on-site)
- Concluding module in the form of a thesis or a project proposal

In addition to the Framework Courses, MAS participants select from the following modules (courses):

> CAS Civilian Peacebuilding Course
September 2014 – August 2015, 25 days on-site, 20 ECTS, register by 30 June

> CAS Peacebuilding Methodologies Course
September 2014 – August 2015, 15 days on-site, 10 ECTS

> Business, Conflict & Peace Course
6-10 October 2014, 5 days on-site, 5 ECTS, register by 31 July

> Conflict Prevention & Early Warning Course
10-14 November 2014, 5 days on-site, 5 ECTS, register by 31 August

> CAS National Dialogue & Peace Mediation Course
19-28 January 2015, 10 days on-site, 10 ECTS, register by 31 October

> CAS Fragility, Conflict & Statebuilding Course
2-11 March 2015, 10 days on-site, 10 ECTS, register by 31 December

> Gender Equality & Peacebuilding Course
13-17 April 2015, 5 days on-site, 5 ECTS, register by 31 January

> CAS Dealing with the Past Course
4-10 May 2015, 7 days on-site, 10 ECTS, register by 28 February

> Summer School
29 June - 5 July 2015, 7 days on-site, 5 ECTS, register by 31 March

Methodology & Assignments

MAS participants are required to complete all Framework Courses and a selected number of other modules (courses) to bring their credit total to 60 ECTS. All courses are composed of online assignments and on-site training.

Course methodologies include expert inputs, peer exchange, skills training, case studies, structured reflection, simulation exercises and self-study.


Courses are taught in English but assignments may be written in English, German or French
(upon request).


Successful participants are awarded a Master of Advanced Studies in Peace & Conflict Transformation Diploma (60 ECTS) offered by swisspeace and the University of Basel.

Non-MAS participants are awarded a Certificate of Advanced Studies on successful completion of CAS courses, and a Confirmation of Participation for other courses.

Franziska Sigrist
+41 (0)31 330 12 09